Tuesday, October 18


The shorter the title, the more i can write and think about it, because it is too vague in which can expand my thoughts.

By typing, "define change" in google, i get verb form: Make or become different and noun form: The act or instance of making or becoming different.

Externally, I can talk about changes in environment, people - strangers, friends and family, life, how it is like in the past and present - history, future improvements, things around that are deteriorating, Facebook etc, just basically everything.

Internally, in which is myself, I can discuss changes about my thinking, my body, my decision, my life - on academic, love and relationship etc.

ok shit...
im stuck here.. idk wad to write cuz there are far way too many information in my mind and i cannot organise them..

kk , i think of something else to write

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