
*bold - direct copy

  1. "A job is a relationship and you don't want to start any relationship based on a lie."
  2. "Life is fair by being unfair to everyone"
  3. "i treasure my encounters and learn from experiences"
  4. "what you will be in future is what you are going to do today"
  5. "for all his/her actions, there are reasons. (dont be too mindful bout ownself)"
  6. "when giver gives lots of attentions to receiver (usually he/she doesnt get from others), the receiver will grow attachments toward the giver if emotions/mindset not handled properly"
  7. "I would do anything for genuine happiness from my loved ones, even a few sec"
  8. "plan, execute actions, be decisive and never regret"
  9. "it all boils down to yur own mentality"
  10. "every parents want the best for their child"
  11. "always appreciate things/encounters, not matter positive or negative
  12. "We stopped checking for monsters under our bed, when we realized they were inside us."
  13. "There is no such thing as a good girl. A good girl is just a bad girl who hasn't been caught yet."
  14. So you gonna consistently keep trying to hit on my self-esteem by physically/verbally abusing me?
    If you are gonna do so, you have just proven me that you are actually the one with low self-esteem,
    because you need to put me down and destroy me in order to to feel better about yourself.
  15. Im not interested in becoming your "borrowed" image that you get from the media. Im more interested in having my own.
  16. It is important to know how we feel and learn to interpret our feelings positively so as to improve ourselves. Many people have interpreted their past experiences negatively and ignored them in which prevent them from learning and improving.
  17. Disciplined action brings future rewards.
  18. The past does not equal future. Your future depends on what you do today.
  19. At some point in life, things we have fight so hard for - our wealth, fame, achievements & power for our own, does not matter as much as to now anymore.
    Sometimes, even if you sow 101% efforts, you may reap only 60% returns.
    But whats really more important are those experiences and knowledge learnt from the process, not about winning or losing. If you succeed, that's good.
    But if you fail, try&try again. "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."
    Suffer/work hard, and you shall harvest your rewards through the process.
  20. Aging is inevitable, Maturing is optional.
  21. "Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy."
  22. When you are in a dilemma, confused about certain things with so many painful factors to consider, sometimes, it is just about mind over matter.
    If you don't mind, it doesn't really matter.
    Discover the hidden beauty that lies, accept how the way it is/should be and appreciate it.
  23. Fight, Withstand & Stand Strong like an adult tree. Even if you Fall hard down beneath the soil like a seed, grow back up to Fight again.
  24. “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks”
  25. "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."
  26. "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."
  27. "Don't worry about stockholders or employees. If you take care of your customers, everything else will fall into place."
  28. "A great leader never sets himself above his followers - except in carrying responsibility."